The week didn't go to plan, The fall colours in the Smokey's were behind and wont be 100% for another week and even then many trees have been dropping leaves so will be bare, Its because of the long wet period before i went, It seems that by this time of year there is a cold period with frosts and that sets the colours off, Don't get me wrong we did find some very nice places to shoot with good yellows and golds but not the mass of colours normally expected, The snowfall at altitude made many trees shed their leaves before turning-theres always next year and i will be there for the last 2 weeks of oct to make sure i get the full spectacle
My D3 had problems again and will be going back to Nikon in the next couple of days, I phoned Nikon yesterday and they are sending over return labels so it doesn't cost me a penny and they have agreed that any repairs will be free of charge

Canon announced the new MK4 and looking through the specs there are some good and some bad things, Canon say that they listen to their customers but this is clearly not the case, If they did they could do 2 things to make them happy-put a box around the histogram and have a dedicated MLU button, I thought the on/off button on the 7D was an improvement over previous models-Ala Nikon but on the MK4 they have gone back to the old position, There are a couple of nice features on the 7D that didn't make it to the pro model which to me is pure madness-surely the pro models especially at this price should be all singing all dancing but not in this case, I also think that Canon should have made this body full frame with a cropping option-Ala Nikon D3s, This would have kept everybody happy and helped by having bigger pixels and better noise, The huge ISO is just to keep up with the competition and images i have seen at max ISO are hideous, Images at ISO 1600 seem to be about the limit for usability i.e agency work, Again the poof of the pudding will be in the image quality and AF, I read a statement by Canon about the new AF system in the MK4 and they all but trashed the AF in the MK3-Just what existing MK3 customers want to read
So now its time for me to start downloading and processing-the bain of the digital photographer
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