I have the in laws staying with me for a month so photography will slow down a little-although we are off to New York on Thursday and a visit to B+H should be on the cards as well as checking out Jamaica bay for a visit next month and a few hours shooting on the New Jersey beach, So a long action packed weekend in store before we head off to the Smokey Mountains at the end of next week where i have a week shooting landscapes with the 'fall' colours and hopefully plenty of wildlife to keep me quiet
I did have one surprise this week, I moved a cover i had left on the ground in my garden and under it was a mole salamander-very rare to see so i believe as they are as they name says mole like, had i known that i would have taken some time over getting some decent shots, Instead i took some record shots and left it alone-see image above
I have been umming and arring over the last few weeks on getting a decent compact for the wife, I rather fancied a 'pro' model like the new Canon G11, But they are not yet in the shops and neither is the Canon S9 so i thought of a Panasonic LX3-Hens teeth as is the Nikon P6000 so after much deliberating i decided that as i wouldn't be using it much and the wife only wants a point and shoot that i would get her Panasonic's LX3 baby sister at almost half the price and i must say its been great fun, The lens is a Leica and in good light the images are very nice indeed and i have shot off about 300 images in the last couple of days and have been very impressed-like all compacts low ISO is the order of the day but for our needs it fits the bill nicely,Even the shutter lag isn't too bad, The screen is big and clear and it has HD video- I have even taken a couple of (cough cough) videos with it, it will certainly be coming to NY with us and will probably get more use than the D3
The rumour mill is at full speed with lots of reports that Nikon's D3 will shortly be replaced with a D3s-adding video and a few other bits and bobs to the already brilliant body to keep it fresh for another year-So i will then have 2 cameras 1 year old and out of date
The Canon 7D has been around for a full week and there are lots of mixed feelings about it already-some people having problems from the off and some having to have their cameras replaced due to faults, I have been looking at all the forums for decent images showing the cameras full potential and haven't really seen any-lots of crap which i think says more about the photographers than the actual body but as Martin said before its release-best keep the pennies in your pocket for a month or 2 until its fully tested
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