Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Light Direction

One thing that makes a image look great is the quality of the light-warm soft early morning or late evening light adds a soft glow to the image rather than the harsh bright light of mid day, But another thing that must be taken into consideration is the angle of the light, Always try to position yourself with the sun on your back unless you are trying to get a silhouette, That way your subject will be evenly lit, If you have the sun at an angle to you you will end up with a heavy shadow on the side of your subject, If its not possible to to get the sun on your back then a small amount of flash (fill in) can be used to even the shadow out, I do this by using a better beamer on my flash when using a long lens and dialing down the flash compensation to say -3, If you are using a lens smaller than 300 then you do not need a better beamer, When shooting from your own hide take the morning and evening light into consideration when setting the hide up, if you set up in deep woodland where you are shooting in the trees shadows then you do not need to worry about the light direction just the amount of available light around you at the time of shooting, Here in North Carolina (East Coast USA) i like to shoot on the beach in the evening as the sun sets behind me but if i lived on the west coast then morning would be the best time, Its one of those very important but often over looked things in photography but one that will make a lot of difference from making nice images into great images


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