I am writing this on Monday evening as i will be up and out before dawn and probably will be out until dusk, Today i visited the camera mecca-BH Photovideo-for the first time, It would be like going to India and not visiting the Taj, Its actually on the same road as the Empire State building just a few blocks away, A large supermarket type shop, well set out in different sections, Photographic,video,telescopes etc and spread over 2 floors, The staff were very friendly and had time to have a chat and answer any questions, I didn't spend much and left with an optech strap for my D3, On the way there and back i did some street photography trying to get the feel of NY in an image, So yellow cabs going by with a low shutter speed was the order of the day, After lunch i headed off to Jamaica bay which is a well known birding place just out of Manhattan, Today its been very bright and the light was very harsh but there was an abundance of birds flying around so if nothing else it was good practice and i will go back early tomorrow and spend the day there

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