Well after a long drive north through the night, it is a great pleasure to be back on Mull in Scotland. What a great start too - Otter after just five minutes after getting off the boat, thanks to a bit of advice.
I watched a beautiful condition Dog Otter for about an hour, mostly through the binoculars. He did bring ashore a couple of fish but I was too concerned that if I got too close I would scare him off, but I did manage to get a few shots off. I will post them up a bit later as I cannot crop edit on this machine so will need to do a bit of jiggery pokery with another laptop.
Plenty of bird sightings including Red Breasted Merganser, Red Throated Diver, Eider, Black Guillemot, large flocks of Wigeon, Lapwing and Curlew.
Best birds of the day were the Golden Eagle and Buzzards. I had the pleasure of watching four Buzzards wheeling around in the sky display flying, and mock dog fighting. Followed about ten minutes later by a Golden Eagle who was also display flying, although I didn't see it's would be mate.
So a quick update as a taster, I am looking forward to a good couple of days ahead of me, although the weather forecast is a little iffy, but the weather does change very quickly here and sometimes the best forecast is not on the TV, but just outside the window.
Next update will be Saturday.

Plenty of bird sightings including Red Breasted Merganser, Red Throated Diver, Eider, Black Guillemot, large flocks of Wigeon, Lapwing and Curlew.
Best birds of the day were the Golden Eagle and Buzzards. I had the pleasure of watching four Buzzards wheeling around in the sky display flying, and mock dog fighting. Followed about ten minutes later by a Golden Eagle who was also display flying, although I didn't see it's would be mate.
So a quick update as a taster, I am looking forward to a good couple of days ahead of me, although the weather forecast is a little iffy, but the weather does change very quickly here and sometimes the best forecast is not on the TV, but just outside the window.
Next update will be Saturday.
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