After Mooses comment last week i decided at the weekend to check out Lake Wheeler, Another largish lake about 20 miles from my home, Its obvious that some of the birds are fed here which is very unusual for NC, The Canada and Greylag geese walk up to you as you get out of your car as do the Squirrels, The coots are very friendly as are a couple of mallards so at least you know that you can walk away with some shots, After a quick recced with the wife and pup i decided that i would return on tuesday (yesterday) early, The weather here has turned back to a cold wind and the outlook for the week was not good but tuesday looked dry, It was a pleasant suprise to arrive at a mirror calm lake and that there were some birds around, I quickly set up with the rising sun on my back and took a couple of tests shots of the closing in coots-making sure that the beaks were not blowing out, The coot is a difficult bird to expose for as its beak is soo white so i only tend to shoot these very early/late in the day or on overcast days and dont waste my time otherwise, They are very aggresive birds and like to spend the day fighting with the neighbours so action shots are always a possibility, Yesterday i spent the first hour trying to get some nice reflection shots which came out ok, The crows spent the morning attacking a hawk that once landed directly above me and then swooped over my car as i was leaving, Lake wheeler has an added bonus of a cafe so you grab a cup of coffee to warm you up and it must have the cleanest toilets in NC, All in all a nice place to spend a few early hours

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