Friday, 5 March 2010

Black and White

Still shooting the opossums nightly, They have been great and i have had some fantastic opportunity's as we sometimes get more than one and then you have a chance of interaction , They have no problems at all with the flashguns but if you happen to make a noise in the hide/blind then they are off, I have lots of ideas left and will soon be making a new set up, I though as its a night time thing to see how the images look converted to black and white, So i desaturated some and had a play with the dodge and burn tool, Basically it allows you to selectively lighten or darken areas that you 'paint' over, This was i can literally remove any distractions like the tree in the background and thing the rim light if i so require, Its always good to try new things in photoshop, Its a powerful tool and i probably don't use 3 % of what it can offer, Let me know what you think, Does it work or not, I missed the full moon the other night and am kicking myself as i could have added that to the backlit shots



  1. Hi Dave really enjoying the project and looking forward to more. The second of these two shots is a cracker really captures the creature of the night feel.

  2. Hi Dave, I think the first one is my preferred choice, the lighting seems to be spot on, where as I don't think it quite works in the first and third image. Superb project though and a commendable effort which is producing some brilliant images.

  3. Like the effect of no.3 but agree with Bob, love the "spotlight" effect of no.1 with the rapid fall-off into the background - makes the subject stand out for me. Tonal effect of B&W also seems to fit nicely with these night time shots too.
