I have been asked over the years by people who have visited my house why i don't have any of my images up on the walls, Its just something i had never done leaving the walls to paintings and not photographs,Well my new house has loads of wall space and i am lucky to have a studio in it as well and as i have picked up a Canon 9000 PRO printer i decided that it was time to get some work printed out and framed, I have been playing around with a couple of different papers and with Martins help now have the same on print as what i am seeing on the screen, The papers i have decided on at the moment are Permajets Oyster and Canons new Platinum papers, I have found that these are good for different types of image, The Permajet paper suites wildlife images very well but portraits look aweful with it, I have had to play with the colours abit as the generic ICC profile left the images abit too magenta whereas the Canon paper was correct from the word go,The oyster is a semi gloss whereas the platinum paper is a high gloss,

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