Saturday, 21 August 2010

A quickie from me today

Well it is not just Dave on the other side of the ocean that is getting poor weather.  It seems to have rained every day since St Swithuns day this year, and today is no exception.  So it is bad luck for those at the Bird Fair yesterday and today - I think tomorrow is meant to be better so fingers crossed for you if you are going.

I haven't been doing very much photography lately what with a new job that is extending some of my hours, although I am enjoying the work very much, and at home I have been working to a September deadline to get my waterfall and top pond feature done, so I can plant the seeds around it in the optimal growing season.

What limited photography I have been doing has been opportunist images taken while in the garden, and I will bring you a few of these over the forthcoming posts with some dragonflies, butterflies and juvenile birds.

Also I have not forgotten that I owe you a round of some the my tips from my trip back in May - just where has this year gone so far, but I will do those very soon.................promise.  I also owe you how I set up the 7D with the C1, C2 and C3 setting for bird photography, so keep checking back in.

At least with all the poor weather my guitar skills have been improving, although I am sure there is someone else in the house that wouldn't necessarily agree with that one.

And with that, it is now Guinness followed by gig time. Enjoy the rest of your weekend too.


1 comment:

  1. Well I for one will be looking forward to meeting up this week for a drink with you pair now your working in a new town.
