Thursday 30 June 2011

Dead Dragons and frogs

When did you ever see a dead dragonfly-i dont ever recall seeing one then yesterday i stopped at a coffee shop and there was one covered in ants-its was a real biggy as well, Today i opened my back door and there was another on the patio, Perfect condition but dead as a door nail, A few ants had moved in and i picked it up and blew them off and took it indoors, I set up in the kitchen with thick white background paper and 2 flashguns, I used the D7000 on a tripod with the Sigma 150mm macro lens and 3 extension tubes to give maximum magnification, It was dark where i set up so using the live view was not an option however after a couple of test shots and focus tweeking i got an image i was quite pleased with, I could have liked to have focus stacked some images but i do not have that software so F16 was the order of the day

Last night we had a very big storm with lots of rain, The frogs were very vocal and i said to my wife that they seemed to be enjoying themselves, Well i didn't realize just how much until i checked the pond today to find it full of fresh frog spawn, We have hundreds of tadpoles already that have been in there a couple of months, A couple are very big and back legs are starting to grow, Time to try and get some images


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