Tuesday, 20 January 2009

News - A Quicky

You never know what's around the corner, I was expecting to get up today and start downloading and processing some images from the last few days but instead we opened the blinds and there was snow-not just snow but SNOOOOOOOOOOOOOW,Lots of it. We have had about 6'' last night and its still coming down,The birds are all over the feeders and I have set up a low tent with built in ground sheet for some comfort and for the past couple of hours have been shooting constantly,So far I have seen Cardinal, Junco, Mourning dove, Downy woodpecker, Tufted titmouse and house finch to name but a few. I have some very nice stuff so far but the cardinals are not landing where I want them to, So its back out until I get the shots I want. Sorry to make this such a short post but it rarely snows here in NC so I am going to make the most of it. I will post some images as soon as I can-they look great on the camera screen so hopefully it will be worth the wait.


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